Wild Futures Launches New Urgent Petition

Wild Futures yesterday launched a new petition and needs to collect as many signatures as possible within a short period of time.

The leading primate welfare charity closed its original petition on Friday 20th December 2013 due to the fact that it was successful in that it petitioned the government to review the evidence on the primate pet trade – which it is now doing.  The EFRA select committee launched an inquiry into primates as pets on 9th December 2013 and evidence is required by 14th January 2014.  Wild Futures is currently working on its submission ready for this date.

In conjunction with its submission, Wild Futures has now opened a new petition to ensure that the inquiry takes primate welfare and human safety seriously and bans the trade in primates as pets.

It is asking all supporters to sign the petition today and spread the word as far and wide as possible.

The petition is online and can be signed at:   http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/58539

For more information please email [email protected] or click here.


Posted: 24 December 2013.