Wild Futures seeks runners to join their troop for Plymouth’s Half Marathon.
22nd March 2013
On Sunday the 28th of April 2013, thousands of runners will take to the streets of Plymouth for the city’s iconic half marathon. With Gold Bond places to give away, local charity Wild Futures are looking for runners of all ages and abilities to join their troop and raise much needed funds.
Wild Futures is a charity with almost five decades of experience as a leader of primate welfare, environmental education and sustainable practice. The charity’s current largest project is The Monkey Sanctuary in Cornwall; a rescue and rehabilitation centre for ex-pet monkeys. The Sanctuary has an international reputation for the quality of care and enclosure design and is the first accredited Sanctuary in Europe. Wild Futures is working hard towards a day when all monkeys are free from the threat of the pet trade, free from malnutrition, mental, physical and emotional suffering.
Plymouth’s half marathon is a traffic-free road race set in the heart of the city. Runners will gather on the Hoe, before starting their 13.1mile journey by running along the seafront to the Barbican. The run follows a great course, and is renowned for its fantastic atmosphere, as hundreds of supporters line the streets to cheer on runners as they pass by.
Katie Brydges, Events and Community Fundraiser at Wild Futures states: “We are offering free entry for our team of runners into Plymouth’s Half Marathon, and ask that each participant raises as much sponsorship as possible for Wild Futures in return.
It is estimated that there are 5,000 privately owned primates in this country, many living a life of neglect. Nearly all of our rescued monkeys at the Wild Futures Monkey Sanctuary, display signs of psychological or physiological stress having been kept as a pet. We are being asked weekly at the moment to rescue more monkeys and need more funds to do, so Plymouth’s Half Marathon is a very important fundraiser.”
With only a few places remaining, Wild Futures are urging anybody interested to get in touch as soon as possible. All Wild Futures runners will be given a unique t-shirt to run in, or a monkey suit if they wish!
Further information can be found on Wild Futures’ website, at www.wildfutures.org/plymouth-half-marathon, or alternatively you can apply for your place today by contacting Katie Brydges on 0844 272 1271 or [email protected].