Michaela Strachan goes really wild for the monkeys

                                                                                                      27 February 2013

Michaela Strachan goes really wild for the monkeys

Well known TV wildlife presenter Michaela Strachan has ‘gone wild’ and spoken out in favour of charity Wild Futures in support of its campaign to end the primate pet trade.

Wild Futures, the leading primate charity that runs The Monkey Sanctuary in Cornwall, the only GFAS-accredited primate sanctuary in Europe, was very grateful last week when Michaela took some time out during her present tour: The Really Wild Adventures, to find out about the charity’s current campaign to end the primate pet trade.

Wild Futures has been campaigning heavily to end the primate pet trade due to it being a huge problem in the UK and legislation not being enforced.  Wild Futures along with the RSPCA estimate that there are at least 5,000 privately owned primates in the UK.

Wild Futures was instrumental in the creation of Defra’s Code of Practice for the Welfare of Privately Kept Non-Human Primates, which came into force in 2010.  The Code is a guide to the steps that must be taken by primate keepers in order to ensure compliance with the Animal Welfare Act.  Under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act (DWAA)1976, owners of most primate species must obtain a licence from their local authority.  However, non-compliance with the DWAA is rife, and there is little awareness or consideration of the Code on the part of keepers or the relevant authorities.  Subsequently, the situation is mess, with monkeys suffering in inappropriate environments all around the UK.  Wild Futures believes that the only enforceable option is to ban the trade in primates as pets.

Wild Futures’ Monkey Sanctuary is home to many victims of the primate pet trade.  Most of the rescued monkeys at the Sanctuary suffer either physically or mentally (or both) as a result of their previous lives.  Grips, a capuchin monkey, is one of several monkeys who are diabetic as a result of being fed inappropriate diets as pets, and who require special care and daily medication.  Other monkeys, such as Chanel, display signs of psychological damage such as constant clapping, head rocking and even self harming.

Brooke Aldrich, Campaigns Manager of Wild Futures states:  “We have been gathering evidence for quite some time now.  It is clear that current UK legislation is failing these socially complex and highly intelligent animals.  The situation is tragic, especially in light of the UK’s reputation as a nation of animal lovers.  We are sure that the best and only option is to ban the primate pet trade in the UK.”

Upon learning about the situation, Michaela stated:  “I am shocked at how big the monkey pet trade is in the UK. 5,000 monkeys kept as pets! I had no idea there were that many. Monkeys are not domesticated like dogs and cats; they simply don’t make good pets. People in this country should know better. When I was a child I adored monkeys and the idea of having one as a pet was a constant fantasy. But it’s as ridiculous as having a pet lion or a pet elephant. As an adult it’s just wrong to indulge that childhood fantasy, however much we think we love that animal. As the saying goes, if you love something set it free, well if you love monkeys let them stay free, where they belong, in the wild.”’

It is not the first time that Michaela has been in contact with Wild Futures.  In fact she first visited the Sanctuary whilst filming for the well known children’s TV series, The Really Wild Show in the 1990’s.  Michaela is extremely supportive of primate conservation projects, and is particularly fond of the Orang-utan in Borneo, which features in her recent project to raise awareness of animal species amongst children.

Michaela has since adopted Ollie, a woolly monkey resident at Wild Futures’ Monkey Sanctuary.  Members of the public are urged to join Michaela in adopting a monkey, enabling Wild Futures to rescue more monkeys in need and to continue in its campaign to end the trade in primates.

The Monkey Sanctuary opens its doors to visitors on Saturday 2nd March for 2013.





About Michaela’s current project

Popular TV presenter Michaela Strachan will star in a new children’s show ‘Michaela Strachan’s Really Wild Adventures’ adapted from her own book of animal verse touring theatre’s throughout the UK from Feb 15. See www.michaelastrachan.co.uk for full details. Michaela’s illustrated book of poetry for children (Michaela Strachan’s Really Wild Adventures on which the show is based) will be published in paperback on 14th February, 2013 (Franklin Watts)