Morocco comes to The Monkey Sanctuary!

21st January 2013

Morocco comes to The Monkey Sanctuary!

On the 9th of March 2013, Wild Futures’ Monkey Sanctuary will be holding a Moroccan Day to raise awareness for the Barbary macaque, native only to Morocco and Algeria.  Local businesses will have the opportunity to display their wares at an onsite Moroccan souk.

Need a bit of warm and friendly cheer in the coming weeks? Consider a visit to the Sanctuary on the 9th March to enjoy our exotic and eclectic mix of henna tattooing, fortune-telling, theatre performers, a Moroccan souk and Moroccan cuisine.  Also, talks on the Barbary macaque’s precarious situation by conservation organisation BMCRif.

Education Officer and coordinator of the day, Katie Timmins, comments:  “We are thrilled to welcome theatre troupe MASC to the Sanctuary and are calling for local handicraft businesses to get in touch to book a space at our souk. Throughout the day, when the souk and theatre performance will take place, we are open as usual to the public. In the evening, from 6.30pm, we are excited to introduce a family-oriented ticket event of theatre performance and Moroccan meal at our newly licensed Treetop café!”

Wild Futures’ Monkey Sanctuary based near Looe, which is currently recovering from flood damage as well as the tragic loss of Pepper, a baby capuchin who arrived at the Sanctuary in March 2012, is hoping to kick start the open season with this vibrant event.

Katie Timmins continues: “Wild Futures supports many primate organisations around the world and having rescued three Barbary macaques from the exotic pet trade in 2007, their plight remains close to our heart.  Many people do not realise that Barbary macaques, the only primate to inhabit northern Africa are even more endangered than orang-utans, with only an estimated 3.5 thousand remaining in the wild.”

If you are a local handicraft business and would like to reserve a slot at the souk (you will need to provide your own stall), please contact Katie Timmins on 0844 272 1271 or [email protected]. T o reserve a ticket for the evening show and theatre performance please contact Gemma Lawrence on 0844 272 1271 or [email protected].