Wild Futures launch new online store on 16th March

Retail Manager Gemma Lawrence invites you to celebrate the launch of the new Wild Futures Store!

At Wild Futures we believe that our customers deserve the best; beautiful, ethically sourced products at affordable prices, with 100% of the profits going to support the work of Wild Futures and its flagship project, The Monkey Sanctuary.

That’s why all through the long dark days of winter, we’ve been working on re-designing our online store in order to give our products the best platform to show off how fabulous they are! And now, just as spring has sprung it’s finally here for all to enjoy.

Through the dedicated stores found within www.shop.wildfutures.org the product range from both Wild Futures and its flagship project the Monkey Sanctuary have been incorporated. Our retail team has been to the four corners of the world in order to source a unique and inspiring selection of goodies so that you don’t have to! Just sit back with a nice cup or tea, or glass of your favourite tipple and enjoy the veritable delights that will be paraded across your screens.

All of the products found on the site have been sourced from suppliers and companies working to make the world and the way we trade, fairer. You will be shown jewellery made by the women of the Maasai tribes of Kenya, luxurious organic cosmetics made locally in the West Country, delicious Fair Trade, organic coffees from South America, incense from women’s cooperatives in India and mouth-watering clotted-cream fudge from free-range, organic farms in the heart of Cornwall.

To mark the launch of the much anticipated new online store, the retail team will be running an online treasure hunt for 7 days, starting on the 16th of March (check back in the next few days for more deatils on how to get involved). It’s free to enter and all participants need to do is register on the store by creating an account. They’ll then be provided with their first clue to kick off the hunt, which will then lead them in turn, to each subsequent clue that will ultimately take them to the treasure. All entrants that complete the hunt will be eligible for the treasure but a special prize will be given to the first to find it.

“I am very excited to finally open the virtual doors to our wonderful new online store. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do – every purchase makes a difference, enabling us to offer a home to victims of the primate pet trade here in the UK and supporting vital conservation projects both at home and overseas.”
