Wild Futures and Vitabiotics Offer Josh the Monkey a Healthy Future

On the 5th May 2010, a small and frightened capuchin monkey named Josh was introduced to his new home at the Wild Futures Monkey Sanctuary in Cornwall. His new enclosure overlooks the territory of the centre’s existing residents – it was the first time he had seen another capuchin in over a decade. 19 year-old Josh has had a sad start to his life, but staff at the rescue centre hope that this new chapter will be a long-overdue happy ending for the little monkey.

Josh was born in the UK to feed the growing trade in primates as pets and has been re-homed four times in his life. Moved from place to place as his natural behaviour became more difficult to cope with, he was taken on by a family whose misguided love for this intelligent animal led to him being kept alone in an enclosure for years on end. Ultimately, and for the last three years, Josh has been housed in a children’s zoo in the North of England after he bit his owner so badly that the man lost permanent use of one of his hands. Local officials assessed the zoo when Josh first arrived and recommended that improvements be made to Josh’s enclosure and that opportunities for him to be integrated into a social group be sought. The zoo paid no heed and Josh lived alone in his small cage, devoid of any environmental enrichment.

Said Macer Parton, from the Wild Futures Primate Welfare Team:

“Josh’s plight came to the attention of local police following a damning exposé on the zoo in question . They contacted us as soon as the news broke to ask if an emergency rescue could be carried out. Our centre, which specialises in care and rehabilitation of ex-pet monkeys, already offers sanctuary to 24 others; we were pleased to take Josh on to join our ever-growing troop of capuchins. “

The Fairy Godmother of this Cinderella story comes in the form of Vitabiotics, the UK’s leading and fastest growing major nutraceutical company. Vitabiotics have worked with Wild Futures in previous years by donating vitamin supplements for the monkeys. Monkeys, much like humans, require a balanced diet and an appropriate environment if they are to maintain long-term health. One of the most common ailments in pet monkeys is a deficiency in vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency has become increasingly common in the UK and, if left unchecked, can lead to serious health implications in later life. While our bodies manufacture vitamin D on exposure to sunshine, the levels in many countries is so weak that our bodies make little or no vitamin D at all, meaning that dietary supplements are often the best way to safeguard intakes. New Vitabiotics Ultra-D3 provides high potency pharmaceutical grade vitamin D3 with each tablet including 1000 IU vitamin D3 (the bioactive form produced in the skin) to help maintain all round health. Vitabiotics will be sending Josh and friends regular supplies of Ultra-D3 to help maintain healthy levels of this essential vitamin. In addition, Vitabiotics have made a pledge to formally support Josh by donating £2 for every Josh adoption bought via the Wild Futures adoption scheme*.

Josh has spent the last week exploring his new and extensive territory, foraging, resting and enjoying a new and healthy diet. His interest in his neighbours is growing, as is their interest in him, as they chatter to each other through the mesh. It will be a number of weeks before Josh begins the long socialisation process and begins to meet the other rescued monkeys face-to-face but staff are confident that he will thrive in his new home.


Notes to Editors


*Josh the capuchin can be adopted by visiting www.adoptamonkey.org

Wild Futures (Charity reg. No. 1102532) is an educational and environmental charity promoting the welfare and conservation of primates, and working to end the abuses of primates in captivity. Its flagship project, The Monkey Sanctuary, in Cornwall, is home to victims of the primate pet trade.

Vitabiotics has manufactured innovative health care products for over 35 years; a British company committed to human health and research. Based in London, Vitabiotics has created a unique portfolio of products at the forefront of scientific developments in key sectors, including nutrition and women’s health. www.vitabiotics.com

For more information or further pictures contact:

Liz Tyson, Public Relations and Communication Manager

[email protected]


+44 (0) 1503 262 532