Winner of our campaign photo competition!

The winner of our campaign photo competition is Leah Hines, aged 4. Congratulations! Her winning photo states:

‘Monkeys should not be kept as pets because they should live in the jungle because a house has no trees’. Too true Leah!

Winning picture, Leah Hines, aged 4Leah will be sent a campaign t-shirt plus a selection of Wild Futures goodies!

It is fantastic that young people are getting involved in our work and are able to see why primates should not be kept as pets. Education is a vital part of our work as a charity, to teach about primates in the wild and captivity as well as sharing information on sustainable living and looking after our planet. To find out more visit our education pages.

All entries to the competition will be used to show support for our campaign to end the primate pet trade so a huge thank you to everyone who entered. To see all of the entries visit our facebook page!