continues to grow as over 40 affiliates commit to animal-friendly productions

Just over one year since its launch and the team is delighted to report that the scheme continues to gather support as more and more affiliates take the pledge to help end the suffering of wild animals in the media.  Now boasting 42 member organisations, with increasing interest every day, an spokesperson said that the scheme is, “delivering on its promise to educate and support companies in making good decisions for animal welfare”. was established in 2012 by a coalition of leading animal charities and NGOs in order to combat the welfare concerns presented by the use of wild animals in the media.  Affiliates to the scheme commit to never use a performing wild animal in any future promotion or production.

The scheme’s diverse range of affiliates includes individuals, NGOs, media production companies and internationally renowned brands.  More talks are being held with big name brands at present and the team hopes that there will be further sign-up in the coming months.  No matter how big or small the company, all those making the pledge have made a compassionate commitment to never use a performing wild animal in any promotional material or production going forward.

Said Liz Tyson, the scheme coordinator:  “ has now really gained momentum.  It just takes a few people to take that first step and it gets other people thinking, finding out what it’s all about, and then they too start to follow suit.  We are delighted to welcome our new affiliates and look forward to seeing continue to grow in the coming years”.

Wild Futures is a founding member of  Rachel Hevesi, Director of Wild Futures states: “We know from experience the detrimental effect that the use of animals, particularly monkeys, in the entertainment industry can have on the primate pet trade.  When a monkey has been used in a film we experience a rise in telephone calls from members of the public enquiring about where they can buy a monkey as a pet.  We obviously use this as an opportunity to educate them on why primates are not suitable and in many cases we are successful in turning the situation around.  At our primate rescue and rehabilitation centre, The Monkey Sanctuary, we observe every day the damage and suffering that the primate pet trade causes, from self-harming to severe bone disease and diabetes. is a fantastic coalition and we are pleased that it has grown so well in just one year.  We hope that more companies follow suit and make that all important pledge.”

When asked what prompted them to join the scheme, a spokesperson for cosmetics brand, Beauty Without Cruelty, said:  “At Beauty Without Cruelty we believe that humans and animals each have their own right to exist and pursue their existence in a positive way and that it is our role to respect and support the other species who
share the planet with us”.

A spokesperson from recent affiliate, Guthrie Media, highlighted the importance of ensuring that animals are not exploited in filmmaking,  saying:  “I want to ensure that animals are protected by my efforts to raise educational awareness through Natural History Filmmaking”.

Find out who else has taken the pledge by visiting www.animalpledge .org/affiliates

If you or your company are interested in finding out more about the scheme or signing up to the pledge, please visit or email [email protected] for more information.