Fundraiser – Novel writing workshop
They say we all have a novel in us, so why not have a go at writing yours?
11th June 10.30am-5.30pm at The Monkey Sanctuary in Looe Cornwall
Cost £55/£45 concessions
What makes a good novel? How and where to find story ideas. Creating memorable characters. Writing dialogue. The importance of setting. Showing not telling. Story structure. And overcoming the dreaded writers block.
The course will be led by Heidi Stephenson. Heidi has been writing for the past 20 years, as well as working as a TV producer. She has published a book on playwriting (Rage and Reason: Women Playwrights on Playwriting, Methuen), has written 2 stageplays, 3 screenplays, 3 radio dramas for the BBC, and most recently, a novel. Her teaching experience includes work for the Arvon Foundation, Exeter Phoenix and Hypatia Trus
Places are strictly limited to 22, so please book early by sending a deposit cheque for £27.50 (or £22.50 concession), made payable to Wild Futures to Heidi Stephenson, 4 Swallowfields, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5LA.
For further info please call 01803 867635.